Depression Symptoms In Teenagers And Bad Effects

Adolescents who are depressed can cause detrimental effects on life itself. The simplest way to protect the lives of children who are depressed is the early detection of depressive symptoms in children , and provide treatment that saved his life.

The following are the signs when a child is experiencing depression :

  1. Grumpy or irritable , it is the most common symptom of a depressed person . Even in some cases frequent outbursts of rage .
  2. Feel pain or pain that is vague , if a teenager feels headache , abdominal pain , and other complaints are physically invisible and do not indicate the cause of medical problems . Then the likelihood of the child suffering from depression .
  3. Sensitive to criticism , one that is sensitive to criticism sometimes normal . But when a teenager too angry when criticized , it could be the teenager is experiencing depression .
  4. Gathered with new acquaintances , if a teenager away from old friends , family and friends more often then gather with the community he has known , there is the possibility of the child being depressed .

Why do we have to immediately help a depressed teen ? Because depression in adolescents potentially bring bad effects on their lives can even destroy the life of a teenager and very difficult to regenerate . Here is a range of adverse impacts adolescent depression :

  • Troubled at school , low energy make it difficult to concentrate to accept the lesson . Low value , poor attendance rates , and not capable of working on school assignments .
  • Feelings of low self-esteem is very dominant , eating disorders , even anorexia .
  • Addiction to computer games and surfing the internet as an escape mechanism .
  • Substance abuse , such as addiction to alcohol or drugs .
  • Often behave recklessly , such as careless driving , careless often put objects out of place . Thus potentially lead to disaster .
  • Violence becomes a dominant trait in everyday life , hatred arises in a person .
  • Injure themselves , ranging from hair pulling himself up slashing his own pulse .

In extreme stages , often cast commentary on emerging desire for death and suicide . Therefore, depression needs to be detected early so that the child does not already experiencing adverse effects.

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